I think if you cant see it dont build it, but deposit the data..
There are many (most?) structures with missing loops


Pavel Afonine wrote:
This might help:

Acta Cryst. (1997). D53, 540-543 Local Improvement of Electron-Density Maps


PS> It will be implemented in PHENIX sometime in future, but for the moment you will need to so some scripting.

On 12/8/2008 11:08 AM, Andy Millston wrote:
I am trying to build a model of a 60000 Da protein from the diffraction data collected at 2.0 A resolution. There is a 10-residue stretch that has such bad electron density that even at 0.4 sigma level one can hardly see any well defined density for residues with long side chains.

My question is: are such poorly defined regions left unmodeled in protein structures? Or is it conventional to model the whole chain no matter how poor the density? The region in question is in the middle of the chain and has several long side chain residues - both charged and uncharged.


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