We really appreciate all the efforts from the great CCP4 team.

But I am sorry,  there are no prebuilt executables for SGI IRIX6.5 now?
There used to be such a bundle for the older versions. It's really a pain
to do all the compilation which never go through smoothly.

Shall we wait for such a bundle or we should start to struggle with the
compilation right now?

Thanks for your attention.

Jie Liu

Charles Ballard wrote:

> Dear All
> as we continue our journey up the A65 (towards the heart of
> Yorkshire) we are pleased to announce the release of Clapham (or
> 6.1.0).  This is available form the usual locations
> http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/download/downloadman.php
> or
> ftp://ftp.ccp4.ac.uk/ccp4/6.1/
> Obviously special thanks to the program authors, testers etc.  Go enjoy
> New goodies:
>     * REFMAC5: updated to version 5.5.0066.  This adds twinned and
> anomalous
>       refinement (Garib Murshudov, Raj Pannu, Pavol Skubak).
>     * PHASER: updated to 2.1.4. This version covers MR, SAD and
> combined MR and SAD.
>     * AFRO: multivariate substructure factor amplitude estimation for
>       (Raj Pannu)
>     * BALBES: automated molecular replacement (Fei Long, Garib
> Murshudov,
>       Alexei Vagin).
>     * cBUCCANEER: statistical model building, optimised for experimental
>       phasing. (Kevin Cowtan)
>     * CRUNCH2: direct mothod experimental phasing as part of CRANK (Jan
>       Abrahams)
>     * CTRUNCATE: New program for Intensity to Structure Factor
> conversion and
>       checking data quality (Norman Stein).
>     * IMOSFLM: imported imosflm 1.0.0
>     * MrBUMP: Automated molecular replacement, search model retrieval
> and
>       search model preparation for molecular replacement.
>     * PARROT: automatic density modification and phase improvement
> (Kevin Cowtan)
>     * PISA: the standalone version of the Protein Interfaces,
> Surfaces and
>       Assemblies server. (Eugene Krissinel) -- optional
>     * POINTLESS: Laue and Patterson group determination, v1.2.23.
> (Phil Evans)
>     * RAPPER: conformer modelling through sampling residue rotameric
> states.
>       (Nicholas Furnham, Paul de Bakker, Mark DePristo, Reshma Shetty,
>        Swanand Gore and Tom Blundell) -- optional
>     * cSEQUINS: Statistical protein chain tracing (Kevin Cowtan)
>     * XIA2: Automated data reduction system designed to work from raw
>       diffraction data and a little metadata, and produce usefully
> reduced
>       data in a form suitable for immediately starting phasing and
> structure
>       solution.
> plus many updates including
>     * CRANK: updated to version 1.2.0.  Greatly enhanced (Raj Pannu)
>     * MOLREP: updated to version 10.2.12.
>     * MOSFLM: updated to version 7.0.4.
> Please note that the downloads are large (very large if you include
> the balbes database), so there may be an issue of browsers timing out
> (observed for firefox so far).
> Charles Ballard
> on behalf of the CCP4 team.

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