I am refining a low (3A) resolution structure of a 3 domain protein. There are 4 copies in the ASU. I have been applying tight NCS restraints by domain in refmac and have pulled the weak MR solution down to Rfree below 30 (just).

However my question is that in 2 of the 4 copies one of the domains is very poorly resolved. I can lower Rfree by around 0.5% by omitting the domains from the PDB entirely or not applying the NCS restraints to these copies of the domain. Clearly they are there and should resemble the moderately well resolved copies by coordinates but the way Bfactor restraints are applied between NCS copies seems to be the issue. If tight restraints are included the B factors are much lower (30-40) rather than 60-80 for the poor domains.

I was wondering if there is a theoretically correct way to treat this?

Would applying TLS scaling to each domain lead to the residual B factors being more balanced? Can a B factor offset be applied to the NCS restraints or could I only apply a coordinate restraint not a B factor restraint between certain copies?

Comments welcomed especially from Garib.

Happy New Year


Dr Nicholas H. Keep
Dean of Faculty of Science
Reader in Structural Biology
School of Crystallography,
Birkbeck,  University of London,
Malet Street,

email     n.k...@mail.cryst.bbk.ac.uk
Telephone 020-7631-6852  (Room G57 Office)
          020-7631-6868  (Rosalind Franklin Laboratory)
          020-7631-6800  (Department Office)
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