Hi Ian,

Indeed, I didn't have time to reply during the festive season.

Just to give appropriate credit, the 2mFo-DFc coefficients for acentrics in SIGMAA were derived by analogy to arguments made by Peter Main, but taking account of the effect of errors in the partial model. According to that argument, one doesn't expect model bias in the mFo coefficients for centrics, which is why they have different coefficients.

In the original version of SIGMAA, the difference map coefficients were mFo-Fc, not mFo-DFc. At that time, I was thinking that mFo gives the best (lowest rms error, though biased) representation of the true density, while Fc represents the model so the difference between them should show most clearly how you need to change the model. A year or two later, I decided that it was more appropriate to smear out the model density according to its uncertainty, hence the addition of the D factor. There were two more advantages to the D factor. First, if the model is complete garbage, both m and D are zero so the difference map is flat. (If you don't know anything about the true phases, you can't make a map showing you how to change it!) Second, it turns out that if Fo is not on the same scale as Fc, the D term absorbs the necessary scale factor correction. (Before I added the D term, Eleanor Dodson had written a comment in the source code of the CCP4 version of SIGMAA, saying something along the lines "Randy seems to be assuming that the data are
on absolute scale.  What on earth is he thinking?")

These arguments for the difference map coefficients are based simply on intuition about what makes sense to show how the model should change. So I was very pleased, when we were working on refinement likelihood targets, to see that they can also be justified in terms of log-likelihood-gradient maps. If you take the derivative of the log- likelihood functions with respect to Fc, you get


where f(|s|) is a resolution-dependent function given by

2D/sigma-delta^2 for acentrics, and
 D/sigma-delta^2 for centrics,

where sigma-delta^2 is the variance from the Rice function.

The D/sigma-delta^2 part would give a map that is the convolution of a map computed with the coefficients you suggest (i.e. 2mFo-2DFc for acentrics, mFo-DFc for centrics) and some shape function, which might sharpen the map if D/sigma-delta^2 increases with resolution or smear it out, if it decreases with resolution.

Anyway, at the least the factor of two for acentrics should be included in the various programs that compute difference map coefficients. Someone should probably look at the effect of the convolution with the resolution-dependent part. You will get different results if you consider the effect of coordinate error to be part of the model (e.g. D is taken up in the model partly by increasing B-factors -- if you take the derivative with respect to DFc, the factor D is missing from f(|s|)) or if you work in terms of E- values. It's possible that the LLG map computed when the likelihood is expressed in terms of E-values would be optimal in terms of being sharpened as much as can be justified by the level of phase error at different resolutions.

Thanks for stimulating the discussion about this point!


Randy Read

On 8 Jan 2009, at 11:43, Ian Tickle wrote:

All - I didn't get a single response to my posting last week
concerning the formulae that are widely used for the 'minimally- biased'
Fourier and difference Fourier coefficients.  It probably didn't help
that I posted it in the middle of the festive season! - but still
somewhat surprising since I imagine everyone here is involved with maps at one time or another, and has an interest in getting the density that
shows best what if any further modifications need to be made to the
current model.  Anyway now that people have hopefully returned to work
from the rigours of the CCP4 Study Weekend I thought I'd post it again
and see if I can provoke some discussion this time. I won't post all my
calculations again, just a summary of my conclusions.

First, I think I can now prove my conjecture that the optimal difference
Fourier coefficient dF is given for both acentrics and centrics by:

        dF = Fm - DFc

where Fm is the 'minimally-biased' Fourier coefficient derived by Read
(AC 1986,A42,140):

        Fm(acen) = 2mFo - DFc
        Fm(cen)  =  mFo

I'm satisfied now that my alternative conjecture, that dF = Fm - Fc, is
probably wrong.  Also I can see that there might be an argument to put
DFc in the FC (FC_ALL) column in place of Fc as appears to be currently
done by REFMAC, but not by SIGMAA (but I'd still like to see some
discussion of that).

So here's a summary comparison of theory with what is my understanding
is actually implemented in software, and with the inconsistencies
highlighted (>...<):

        Source       Coefficient   Acentrics        Centrics
        ======       ===========   =========        ========

        THEORY(Read)     Fm        2mFo - DFc       mFo
          ..  (me)       dF        2(mFo-DFc)       mFo - DFc

        SIGMAA           Fm        2mFo - DFc       mFo
                         dF       > mFo - DFc <     mFo - DFc
                      Fc            Fc              Fc

        REFMAC           Fm        2mFo - DFc    > 2mFo - DFc <
                         dF       > mFo - DFc <     mFo - DFc
                      Fc         > DFc <         > DFc <

Even if you don't accept my suggestion for the acentric dF coefficient
there are clearly some significant inconsistencies between the
coefficients output by SIGMAA & REFMAC which it would be nice to


-- Ian

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Randy J. Read
Department of Haematology, University of Cambridge
Cambridge Institute for Medical Research      Tel: + 44 1223 336500
Wellcome Trust/MRC Building                   Fax: + 44 1223 336827
Hills Road                                    E-mail: rj...@cam.ac.uk
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