Dear all,

Just to add, linux now has perfectly good read-write stable drivers for NTFS (the native WinXP filesystem). This means you no longer need to create a separate FAT32 partition for sharing data between the two OSes.



On 19/1/09 11:25, José Trincão wrote:
Dear Xie,
you should seriously consider what Johan Turkenburg suggested:
create a 20~30Gb ext3 patition that you mount as / and the rest of the disk as ext3 mounted as /home. That way, if you have to reinstall linux, all your files will be safe. You would end up with the following partitions:
- WinXP - 30Gb
- FAT32 - 20Gb
- /    ext3 - 30 Gb
- SWAP - 4Gb
- /home - 90Gb

Also consider that there is now software for windows that allows read/write access to ext2/3:

Good luck.


On Jan 18, 2009, at 18/1/09 - 6:52, Xie Jiabao wrote:

Dear all,

My sincere apologies at the outset for a non-ccp4 question. I am trying to install ubuntu-8.04.1 (64-bit) linux on my windows xp containing core2 laptop so as to create a dual boot system. At the moment windows xp is installed on a 30GB partition and there is another 20 GB FAT32 partition which was created to share data between windows and linux once the latter was installed, and 110 GB of free space. I have a few questions which I would like addressed before I install linux.

a) I would like to create a linux swap partition of 4-6 GB and have the rest as an ext3 linux partition. Should these new partitions be primary or logical partitions? What is the difference between primary and logical partitions?

b) Should these new partitions be located at the end of my hard disk since Windows likes to be next to the first sector (MBR)?

c) Should the new partitions be mounted as /swap and /root or /home?

Thanks in advance,


Roger Dodd PhD
The Institute of Cancer Research
Chester Beatty Laboratories
237 Fulham Road

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