Hello All,

I'm trying to use BALBES locally to perform molecular replacement on data of
a two protein complex.

Protein 1 is a truncated version of a two domain protein of known
Protein 2 has a homologous protein of known structure and ~50% identity.

I'm having two related problems -

1> If I include the truncated PDB of Protein 1 as an input model, along with
a .seq file containing the two sequences, I get the following error:

# Search for Structures with Similar Cell and Space Group   #
No structure of similar cell and space group was found

# Model Database Analysis                                   #
number of amino acids in the input sequence file is 615
1 structures found to be above 20% identity with the given sequence,
of which the best identity is 100.0
Error message :  no structure was found
|                       All of search model PDB files are
in:                        |
|                            Subdirectory:
template_models                          |
BALBES exits after searching the internal database

2> If I repeat this, but use a .seq file that has the two sequences merged
as one, I get this error:

# Search for Structures with Similar Cell and Space Group   #
No structure of similar cell and space group was found

# Model Database Analysis                                   #
number of amino acids in the input sequence file is 615
2  structures found to be above 20% identity with the given sequence,
of which the best identity is   100.0
can not create a reader object for XML file for
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/apps/ccp4-6.1.0/bin/balbes", line 154, in <module>
  File "/apps/BALBES_0.0.1/bin_py/exeCodeClasses.py", line 532, in execute
  File "/apps/BALBES_0.0.1/bin_py/exeCodeClasses.py", line 1378, in
  File "/apps/BALBES_0.0.1/bin_py/exeCodeClasses.py", line 881, in
    rootElement = StripXml(struct_xml_document.documentElement)
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'struct_xml_document' referenced before

Ideas?  Any help would be greatly appreciated


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