Hey Dirk,

You're wrong.  ;)

Well, actually, it depends on what you mean by "intensity". As Colin pointed out the word "intensity" is practically useless unless you are sure that you are comparing "apples to apples". In crystallography, you get beam intensity in flux (photons/s) but the intensity of scattering (photons/steradian/s) is proportional to the incident beam intensity (in photons/area/s) which is also proportional to the integrated spot intensity (photons). It is easy to get confused, so I will try to avoid using the word "intensity" without qualifying it with some units. But I think an unfortunate misinterpretation has arisen recently because the "peak intensity" of a spot (which you get from certain equations in scattering theory) is not the same as the "integrated intensity" (which you get from mosflm).

You are right that the scattered "intensity" (photons/steradian/s) from a mosaic block of N unit cells that is satisfying the Bragg condition is proportional to N^2. But you have to pay attention to the units: they are not the same as an integrated spot intensity (just photons). You can multiply photons/steradian/s by the exposure time (if the crystal is not moving) to get accumulated intensity (photons/steradian) but you still need a solid angle subtended by the spot (in steradians) in order to get a "full" intensity. You can't cheat and just use the solid angle of a pixel because the diffracted ray from a mosaic block is much much sharper than that. That is, the high photons/steradian only exists for a very very small patch of solid angle, and the size of this patch is proportional to 1/N. So, the actual integrated spot intensity (photons) you see on your detector is still just proportional to N^2/N = N, then number of unit cells in the mosaic block. Therefore, if you then have "m" mosaic domains, the integrated spot intensity (photons) is proportional to m*N. In Woolfson, this is derived in the more traditional way of treating the crystal as always rotating, but the result is the same.

The remarkable part of this is that the integrated spot intensity (photons) is essentially invariant with how you divide up the unit cells into mosaic domains. Well, okay, if N=1, then you don't really have a crystal but an amorphous solid (seen a lot of those), so I should qualify that so long as N > ~1000, it doesn't matter if m is 1 or 10^12, the integrated spot intensity (photons) is still proportional to the total number of unit cells in the crystal. This was first shown by C. G. Darwin (1914) so I don't blame you if you can't find the original reference. However, "Darwin's Formula" can be found in most modern textbooks. It is Equation 9.1 in Blundell & Johnson (1976) and Equation 4.31 in Drenth (1999). You will note that the mosaic spread is not part of this equation.

I understand it was W. L. Bragg et al. (1921) who confirmed that the absolute scattered intensity from rock salt does indeed obey Darwin's Formula. I confirmed it recently for lysozyme on my beamline, but never published it as I figured I had been scooped 86 years earlier. Although I will tell you that the trick is (once again) getting the units right. for example: you have to enter the wavelength in meters, not Angstroms, otherwise you're off by a factor of 10^30.

The distribution of unit cells into mosaic domains does become important if the extent of a mosaic domain starts to become large compared with the attenuation length of the x-ray beam, then one must invoke the dynamical theory. Darwin derived equations for the dynamical case as well, but these almost never apply to protein crystals. They are just too small.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Dirk Kostrewa wrote:

I'm not sure where this rumor got started that the intensity reflected from a mosaic block or otherwise perfect lattice is proportional to the square of the number of unit cells. This is never the case. The reason is explained in Chapter 6 of M. M. Woolfson's excellent textbook, but the long and short of it is: yes the instantaneous intensity (photons/steradian/s) at the near-infinitesimal moment when a mosaic domain diffracts is proportional to the number of unit cells squared, but this is not useful because x-ray beams are never perfectly monochromatic nor perfectly parallel.

Hmm, I don't have Woolfson's book at hand, so I can't read this chapter. My current understanding is: if N unit cells scatter in phase, the scattered total amplitude is N times the scattered amplitude of the unit cell in that direction. Since the recorded intensity is proportional to the square of the amplitude, the scattered total intensity is proportional to N^2 (for simplicity, I assume perfect sources, crystals and detectors, so I don't discuss spot shapes). Now, if the coherence lengths is limited by the size of the mosaic blocks, each block scatters like a tiny crystal independent of the other mosaic blocks. Thus, if we have m < N mosaic blocks (of equal size), each block results in a scattered intensity ~(N/m)^2, and the m blocks add their intensities, yielding a total intensity ~N^2/m. Dependent of the perfection of the crystal, the total scattering intensity for the two extremes between m=N (which wouldn't make any sense) and m=1 is proportional to between N and N^2, respectively. Please, correct me, if I'm wrong.

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