Dear ccp4 folks,

I am refining a structure in several crystal forms, with several molecules in the asymmetric unit. The structure is rather flexible, so I am using TLS refinement, having first submitted the coordinates to the TLSMD server (

The TLS refinement worked OK with REFMAC 5.2.0019 (CCP4 6.0.2) for 3 molecules in the asu, but not for crystal forms with 6 molecules/asu (it just got hung).

For the latter crystal forms I have switched to CCP4 6.1.0 with REFMAC 5.5.0066, where it worked fine for two crystals - and now plays up for the third crystal!

It is not exactly crashing, so I don't know what is going on. This is the last part of the logfile:

xyz 1230 5.6147661 -5.1691742 2.8234024 -1.55429840E-02 9.35771316E-02 0.17803398 0.23723726 -0.13626081 5.39243035E-02 -0.14011805 -1.55429840E-02 0.11864197 0.40574944 0.71992165 0.57164854 -0.39361250
* Information from CCP4Interface script
Writing final coordinates (XYZOUT) to /Users/anita/work/Integ/ SOLEIL_09_08/3MSe_NTLS9_8_6_refmac1.pdb

* Information from CCP4Interface script
Writing final phases (HKLOUT) to /Users/anita/work/Integ/ SOLEIL_09_08/3M_Se_TLS_refmac1.mtz

* Information from CCP4Interface script
Writing final TLS (TLSOUT) to /Users/anita/work/Integ/ SOLEIL_09_08/3MSe_NTLS9_8_6_refmac1.tls
Unfortunately, there are NO files written out! There is no real error message either, the CCP4i interface says the job has finished normally.

I have already tried to vary the number of TLS fragments, with no better result. The older Refmac just gets hung....

Any help will be appreciated!



Anita Lewit-Bentley
Unité d'Immunologie Structurale
Département de Biologie Structurale & Chimie
Institut Pasteur
25 rue du Dr. Roux
75724 Paris cedex 15

Tel: 33- (0)1 45 68 88 95
FAX: 33-(0)1 40 61 30 74

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