Dear Frank,

     Thank you for your answer, as unimitable as ever. We do of course have
to wash one plate at a time when we each feel the pinch of hunger; but as we
do so we should not forget that the PDB is the Central Planning Office, and
that the order for that industrial-scale dishwasher has to be filed and
lobbied for if it is ever to be delivered. Otherwise we will continue
washing our own plates for ever.

     Besides, on the serious side of the argument, there are other benefits
to the deposition of images, as argued in the paper by Joosten et al. in the
recent Acta D volume containing the proceedings of last year's CCP4 Study

     With best wishes,

On Thu, Mar 12, 2009 at 04:07:36PM +0000, Frank von Delft wrote:
> Gerard Bricogne wrote:
>>      Looking forward to the archiving of the REAL data ... i.e. the 
>> images.
>> Using any other form of "data" is like having to eat out of someone else's
>> dirty plate!
> That may be so -- but if I'm hungry now, I just pop it in the sink -- I 
> don't publish a call for tenders on an industrial-scale dish-washer, call 
> up the architects and engineers to redesign the room, re-lay the plumbing, 
> vamp up my electricity transformer and install a new drainage system.
> Which doesn't mean the industrial-scale washer isn't necessary;  but 
> honestly, can't we start by just washing the plate??
> phx.


     *                                                             *
     * Gerard Bricogne             *
     *                                                             *
     * Global Phasing Ltd.                                         *
     * Sheraton House, Castle Park         Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
     * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK               Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
     *                                                             *

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