The deadline for the may/June cycle of general user time for PX in the
ALS is coming up soon (This Sunday).

The Berkeley Center for Structural Biology (BCSB) has recently
completed a number of upgrades:

Sector 8:  Recent improvements include:

    * A high-accuracy microdiffractometer on BL 8.2.1 allows for
centering and viewing of very small crystals;
    * Robot automounters on BL8.2.1 and 8.2.2 are now fully
commissioned and the beamlines can be used remotely;
    * A new large format (315mm active surface area) CCD detector on
BL 8.2.1 facilitates data collection on large unit cell crystals.

Sector 5:  Recent improvements include:

    * Beamlines (5.0.1 and 5.0.3) now generate 1.5x1011 photons per
second at 0.97 Angstrom. This wavelength is slightly above the Se K
edge making them ideal for performing Se SAD experiments.
    * Beamline 5.0.2 (the tunable beamline) generates a peak flux of
8x1011 photons per second, and the energy range of 5.0.2 has been
extended to 17 keV, enabling the routine use of shorter wavelengths
and anomalously scattering elements such as bromine.
    * All sector 5 beamlines can be run remotely. The automated sample
mounter holds six pucks (96 sample in total). On weekdays, staff is
available 22 hours (out of 24) for puck changes and assistance.

Please visit for more details about the Center
and its beamlines.

If you'd like to apply for May/June beamtime at the Advanced Light
Source, please submit a General User proposal by March 15, 2009.

To find out more, click on:

We invite you to submit a proposal at:

If you have any questions or would like to request open beamtime,
please e-mail

[Please note that executed user agreements must be received by LBNL
prior to beamtime.  Proprietary fees, if applicable, must be received
by LBNL at least five working days prior to scheduled beamtime.]

P.H. Zwart
Beamline Scientist
Berkeley Center for Structural Biology
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA-94703, USA
Cell: 510 289 9246

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