On Friday 13 March 2009, Jacob Wong wrote:
> Dear all,
> http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v458/n7234/fig_tab/nature07819_F3.html
> Just came across this figure Fig. 3b) and would like to know what is the
> general and easiest way to make things like this, as a "non-brainer". Thank
> you, -Jacob

I don't know of any way to not engage a brain in the process,
but that particular figure could be made by
1) create electrostatic coloured surface in GRASP or MSMS or ....
2) export surface as a file and convert it to Raster3D
3) define a bounding plane (some point on the plane + a surface normal)
4) render the surface in Raster3D, clipped by the bounding plane

Example:   top figure in

I have been slowly working to put together a less brain-involving
pathway,  ideally involving some smallish number of mouse clicks in 
Coot or PyMol or ccp4mg that feed the information to Raster3D for rendering.
But nothing is currently in place that would allow a label
"no actual brains were consumed in producing this figure".


Ethan A Merritt
Biomolecular Structure Center
University of Washington, Seattle 98195-7742

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