You can try using affinity tags on both the N- and C-termini of the
protein, eg. MBP on N and His on C.


> Date:    Thu, 19 Mar 2009 23:53:14 +0000
> From:    Kn Ly <>
> Subject: purification
> Hello everyone,
> I am expressing a 100 KDa eukaryotic membrane protein in E coli. The prot=
> ein
> is fused to 6His-MBP in the N terminus and the resulting mass is ~ 150 KD=
> a.
> However, the protein get severely degraded so after putting through a Ni-=
> column, the protein came out with a lot of contaminant bands. I did a
> western blot using antibody against his tag. The total cell lysate gave
> signals in many bands. The flow through did not give any signal and the
> eluted fraction again gave many band signals, indicating the protein got
> degraded copiously even before purification.
> I used Roche protease inhibitor tablet and still got a lot of degradation=
> .
> Can anyone suggest a way to avoid the problem or a purification method so=
> that I can purify the intact protein while keeping away the unwanted
> degraded fractions.
> Thanks heaps in advance.
> Kien

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