Bernhard and Ian,

Since you ask, SHELXL defines a chiral volume as the volume of the 
'unit-cell' that can be constructed using the three interatomic
vectors from the atom in question. I think that I took this from
PROLSQ, and that Bernhard's formula (which corresponds to the
value of a determinant) should give the same answer. SHELXL 
restricts chiral volumes to cases where an atom makes exactly 
three bonds to other non-hydrogen atoms; hydrogen atoms are 
ignored. The sign is determined by evaluating the determinant 
with the rows representing the three vectors in the order of 
their ASCII codes, and so is independent of the order of the 
atoms in the input file. This means that the alpha carbon in 
the 19 standard chiral L-amino-acids will always have a chiral 
volume of about +2.5; it would have been confusing if I had 
used the Cahn-Ingold-Prelog R and S rules for the sign because 
of Cys. CB of Ile has a (SHELX) chiral volume of 2.495 but CB 
of Thr is -2.628. However the CHIV instruction in SHELXL also 
has other uses, e.g.

CHIV_VAL -2.622 CB

This restrains the chiral volume of the carbonyl carbon to be
zero (the default) with a default esd (0.1 A^3), i.e. restrains
it to be planar. CB is not chiral for valine, but the above 
restraint makes sure that CG1 and CG2 are named conventionally 
(the RSCB now use this idea to check the naming of H-atoms in 
CH2 groups, which is one of the reasons why I always remove the 
hydrogens before depositing the structure (they are always 
recalculated anyway before use, e.g. by MolProbity). And 
if you wanted all the alpha-carbons for the alanines to have 
the same chiral volume but would like to refine its value, a 
SHELX 'free-variable' can be used (here #3):


(i.e. 1*fv(3)); if there is a D-Ala in the structure as well:


(i.e. -1*fv(3)). I think that I will have to add all this to 
Kay's Wiki.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

On Sat, 4 Apr 2009, Ian Tickle wrote:

> Bernhard
> Refmac doesn't specify a target value for the chiral volume, it just
> specifies 'positive' or 'negative'.  It presumably uses the chiral
> volume computed from the input co-ords as the target, so this is updated
> as the refinement proceeds.  I guess the goal isn't to restrain the
> geometry to a particular value of the chiral volume, since that's
> already determined by the bond lengths & angles (apart from the sign
> ambiguity obviously), but rather just to prevent it from inverting to
> the other hand.  Note that it doesn't have to be a chiral centre to use
> a chiral volume restraint, for a non-chiral centre where inversion is
> equivalent to rotation (if you ignore the atom labels), it can still be
> used to prevent inversion, since that would result in atom labels being
> swapped (all non-planar atom centres are chiral if you include the atom
> labels!).
> Don't know how Shel-X handles it, I guess George will answer that.
> Cheers
> -- Ian
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: []
> On
> > Behalf Of Bernhard Rupp
> > Sent: 04 April 2009 05:21
> > To:
> > Subject: chiral volume target value
> > 
> > Dear All,
> > 
> > assuming the chiral volume definition with r() a Cartesian position
> vector
> > 
> > Vc = [r(N)-r(Ca)]*([r(C)-r(Ca)]x[r(Cb)-r(Ca)])
> > 
> > I always get about -0.65 A**3
> > 
> > Is this correct? Are there any target values?
> > 
> > In a SHELX manual I read + 2.5 for the chiral volume - seems to
> > be different.
> > 
> > (not to be confused with the pseudo-torsion target of +34 deg)
> > 
> > Thx, BR
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Bernhard Rupp
> >
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > The hard part about playing chicken
> > is to know when to flinch
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
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