Hi Nick,
Have you checked the web services provided by Marjorie Harding?


Maybe, you can also find information about water mediated contacts over
there. The first web site gives also some links to other interesting web

Of course, higher resolution data or another crystal form would help...

Best regards,

Nicholas Keep wrote:
> I have a 3.0 A structure which has a Mg liganded by a His NE and a
> substrate carboxylate at around 2.1 -2.3 A.
> There are a number of other potential liganding amino acid atoms at
> between 3.2 and 4.5 A. This is clearly
> longer than the direct bonding distances found by Harding
> http://journals.iucr.org/d/issues/1999/08/00/ad0073/index.html
> but these could conceively be coordinating via a water not visible at
> this resolution.
> I wondered if anyone knew of a tabulation of amino-acid to ion via water
> distances (ie second coordination sphere distances).  I have not been
> able to google one so far.
> Thanks
> nick


Dr. Christian Biertümpfel
Laboratory of Molecular Biology

NIDDK/National Institutes of Health              phone: +1 301 402 4647
9000 Rockville Pike, Bldg. 5, Rm. B1-03          fax:   +1 301 496 0201
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