Below is my log file. The crux of the output is "Reindexed space group is not in library". Given the output, I think it should still be p212121. The log makes no mention as to which space group is actually missing, only that it has been reindexed. I take it that the symops listed describe the reindexed space group, but I suspect that this makes too much sense for a self-respecting crystallography utility. These symops look like they describe p212121 to me.

I have a stock install downloaded from ccp4 and did dutifully double- click for installation. Proper files have sourced. This error comes up on 6.0.something and 6.1.1.


 ### CCP4 6.1: POINTLESS              version 1.3.1 : 16/01/09##
 User: jstroud  Run date: 17/ 4/2009 Run time: 02:17:46

 Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
"The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
 as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

OS type:      darwin
Release Date: 13th December 2008

        *                                                    *
        *                     POINTLESS                      *
        *                       1.3.1                        *
        *                                                    *
        *   Determine Laue group from unmerged intensities   *
        *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
        * Uses cctbx routines by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve et al.*
        *                                                    *


Reading reference data set from file ta17-t16b4b02b.mtz
Maximum resolution in file ta17-t16b4b02b.mtz:    3.001
Columns for I, sigI: IMEAN_ta17-t16b4b02b  SIGIMEAN_ta17-t16b4b02b
Number of valid observations read:    14688
   Highest resolution:     3.00
   Unit cell:   59.56    96.76   122.64    90.00    90.00    90.00
      Space group: P 21 21 21

 Spacegroup information obtained from library file:
Logical Name: SYMINFO Filename: /usr/local/ccp4-6.1.1/lib/data/ syminfo.lib

Maximum resolution in file ta17-t20a5a03b.mtz:    2.597
Columns for I, sigI: IMEAN_t20a5a03b  SIGIMEAN_t20a5a03b
Number of valid observations read:    22576
   Highest resolution:     2.60
   Unit cell:   59.65   122.55    97.03    90.00    90.00    90.00
      Space group: P 21 21 21

Possible alternative indexing schemes
   Operators labelled "exact" are exact by symmetry
   For inexact options, deviations are from original cell
      (root mean square deviation between base vectors)
Maximum accepted RMS deviation between test and reference cells (TOLERANCE) = 2.0

[h,l,-k] root mean square deviation 0.178

>>>> Normalising reference dataset

Log(<I>) fit for intensity normalisation: B (slope)     -21.82

>>>> Normalising test dataset

Log(<I>) fit for intensity normalisation: B (slope)     -19.66

Alternative indexing relative to reference file ta17-t16b4b02b.mtz

$TEXT:Result:$$ $$

Alternative reindexing CC R(E^2) Number Cell_deviation
              [h,l,-k]             0.948    0.126     14681      0.18


Copying merged MTZ file from ta17-t20a5a03b.mtz
                          to ta17-t16b4b02b-pntlss.mtz

   Reindexing operator         [h,l,-k]

   Real space transformation   (x,z,-y)

 Failed to find spacegroup in SYMINFO!

**** Reindexed space group is not in library ****
Symop:  X,Y,Z
Symop:  -X+1/2,Y+1/2,-Z
Symop:  X+1/2,-Y,-Z+1/2
Symop:  -X,-Y+1/2,Z+1/2

<B><FONT COLOR="#FF8800">

FATAL ERROR message:
Reindexed space group is not in library

$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please reference $$
P.R.Evans, 'Scaling and assessment of data quality' Acta Cryst. D62, 72-82 (2005).

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