Hi all,

I am aware of programs to plot (or analyse) the difference between the main chain angles of two monomers. I wondered there might be such facility for side chain angles. I consider this might also be useful to analyse, e.g., changes in conformation for different crystals or different ligands in a site, or even to improve selection of residues for NCS constraints. If there is not such program, I am inclined to prepare a script to do so; I could be helped by programs that could, at least, calculate and tabulate the angles. I am aware of only procheck to do this (partially?), any other?
    In summary:
a) Differences between main chain angles, I know of Whatcheck and coot (with the Kleywegt plot tool); b) Differences between side chain angles, if not a program for differences, at least one to tabulate the chi angles (procheck makes this partially ... ?).


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