I think Pointless 1.2.23 was a broken version which escaped to the wild in CCP4 release 6.1.0. The more recent release 6.1.1 has a fixed version, and some more recent versions are also available from our ftp site

eg ftp://ftp.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/pub/pre/pointless-1.3.2...

sorry about this


On 6 May 2009, at 19:21, Robert Nolte wrote:

I'm hoping someone can help me with a pointless problem. I am trying to reindex data into an orientation that I used to solve the structure initially. While I can get pointless to give me the reindexing needed to make the new data match the old data for the project, when I ask it to write the data to HKLOUT it does not carry out the reindexing. I was under the impression from the documentation it would write out the reindexed solution. Am I doing something wrong or have I found a bug in my particular space group. I seem to recall getting this to work on a different project in the past. I have also tried a number of different versions of pointless, and all give me the same results. The output file is shown below.
Thanks in advance for any help.
        Bob Nolte

-> pointless hklin input.mtz hklref reference.mtz hklout reindex.mtz >& pointless.log

contents of pointless.log

### CCP4 6.1: POINTLESS             version 1.2.23 : 26/09/08##
User: unknown  Run date: 28/ 4/2009 Run time: 13:48:05

Please reference: Collaborative Computational Project, Number 4. 1994.
"The CCP4 Suite: Programs for Protein Crystallography". Acta Cryst. D50, 760-763.
as well as any specific reference in the program write-up.

OS type:      linux
Release Date: 26th September 2008

      *                                                    *
      *                     POINTLESS                      *
      *                       1.2.23                       *
      *                                                    *
      *   Determine Laue group from unmerged intensities   *
      *     Phil Evans MRC LMB, Cambridge                  *
      * Uses cctbx routines by Ralf Grosse-Kunstleve et al.*
      *                                                    *


Reading reference data set from file reference.mtz
Maximum resolution in file reference.mtz:    1.810
Columns for F, sigF (squared to I): F_881  SIGF_881
Number of valid observations read:    18733
 Highest resolution:     1.81
 Unit cell:   72.66    72.66    65.98    90.00    90.00   120.00
    Space group: P 3 2 1

Spacegroup information obtained from library file:
Logical Name: SYMINFO Filename: /apps/ccp4/ccp4-6.1.0/lib/data/ syminfo.lib

Maximum resolution in file input.mtz:    1.870
Columns for F, sigF (squared to I): F_880  SIGF_880
Number of valid observations read:    17028
 Highest resolution:     1.87
 Unit cell:   72.58    72.58    66.20    90.00    90.00   120.00
    Space group: P 3 2 1

Possible alternative indexing schemes
 Operators labelled "exact" are exact by symmetry
 For inexact options, deviations are from original cell
    (root mean square deviation between base vectors)
Maximum accepted RMS deviation between test and reference cells (TOLERANCE) = 2.0

                             [h,k,l]    exact
                           [-h,-k,l]    exact

Normalising reference dataset

Log(<I>) fit for intensity normalisation: B (slope)     -18.82

Normalising test dataset

Log(<I>) fit for intensity normalisation: B (slope)     -18.21

Alternative indexing relative to reference file reference.mtz

$TEXT:Result:$$ $$

Alternative reindexing CC R(E^2) Number Cell_deviation
          [-h,-k,l]              0.967    0.092     17012      0.14
           [h,k,l]               0.067    0.495     17011      0.14


Copying merged MTZ file from input.mtz
                        to reindex.mtz

 Reindexing operator         [h,k,l]

 Real space transformation   (x,y,z)

Reindexed space group : P 3 2 1
 Crystal: HKL_base
 Cell:   72.58  72.58   66.2        90     90    120
 Crystal: unknown
 Cell:   72.58  72.58   66.2        90     90    120

 17080 reflections copied to output file

$TEXT:Reference: $$ Please reference $$
P.R.Evans, 'Scaling and assessment of data quality' Acta Cryst. D62, 72-82 (2005).

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