Dear all,
I have 8 data set from insulin at 1.2 A, after used Mosflm and Scala I used tha program Sortmtz to reset the batch number, first, and after unsorted MTZ files in one mtz file.
When I put this mtz file in SCALA I have the follow error message:

**** Insufficient data to determine parameters ****
         0 reflections,        138 parameters

Scala:  *** Too few reflections ***
Times: User: 30.2s System: 0.6s Elapsed: 0:31 </pre>
* Information from CCP4Interface script
The program run with command: scala HKLIN "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/prova7.mtz" HKLOUT "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38_1_mtz.tmp" SCALES "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38.scala" ROGUES "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38_rogues.log" NORMPLOT "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38_normplot.xmgr" ANOMPLOT "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38_anomplot.xmgr" PLOT "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38_surface_plot.plt" CORRELPLOT "/home/rgiordan/sortInsulin/sortInsulin_38_correlplot.xmgr"
has failed with error message
Scala:  *** Too few reflections ***

#CCP4I TERMINATION STATUS 0 " Scala:  *** Too few reflections ***"
#CCP4I TERMINATION TIME 14 May 2009  14:59:13
#CCP4I MESSAGE Task failed

I tried to merge only the first 5 mtz files and SCALA works properly, after I processed the latest 3 and everything is ok, but when I use the 8 files together i have problem.
Somebody know why I have this kind of problem?
Thank in advance.
Best regards,
Rita Giordano

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