Posted on behalf of Wolfram Saenger:

X-ray equipment to give away

Since I am close to retirement, the equipment I have will be given away
at no cost except for transport. The equipment are two mar research
image plates, 345 and 250 mm diameter, the first running under PC, the
secondhas an interface for an SGI workstation.

Also available are two rotating anodes (FR591) from enraf Nonius, a CAD4
diffractometer, and a FAST detector, also from Enraf Nonius, several
precesion cameras from Enraf Nonius and STOE, goniometer heads fitting
to all these equipments, etc., etc.

Please contact Prof. Wolfram Saenger, Tel. +49-30-83853412,
Fax +49-30-83856702, e-mail:

Prof. Dr. Wolfram Saenger
Institut fuer Kristallographie
Freie Universitaet Berlin
14195 Berlin

phone (+49)-30-838-53412
fax (+49)-30-838-56702
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