On Jul 27, 2009, at 2:27 AM, Martyn Winn wrote:
This code hasn't changed since 2000, and I think we would have noticed
if there was something fundamentally wrong with it. So before going off
on a long analysis of shell scripting, it is best to check basics.

What have you changed? You have added an "echo" statement. Why should
that matter? Because the previous line ends in a continuation marker, so
you have changed what follows that.

Now this seems to be fairly obscure (to me as well, not my code).
http://wiki.tcl.tk/812 has some notes on the "continuation-line trick".
That article does suggest that it is deprecated, but I'd be loathe to
"fix" something which apparently works for thousands of users.

I guess the question is why did you insert the echo statement? Were you
trying to fix another problem?

I inserted the echo to see if the variable was defined at that point. The variable wasn't found to be defined at the script at the point of the execute command so I made the echo to see if it was before that. The line continuation is from the CCP4 code, it is not my doing. I kept it intact to preserve the script as much as possible to see if it made a difference at the point of the echo, which was meant to be positionally equivalent to the exec statement.

Anyway, Edward Berry correctly saw that "no such variable" is from Tcl, shedding some light on the issue: the Tcl environment did not inherit the variables defined in the parent process.

Having never used exec before because it offends my sensibilities as a security conscious programmer, I did not know if this were a new behavior in sh added at the point of my last OS X update to 10.5.7. I've never seen a variable vanish into thin air unless it was not, as bash people say, "exported". I know that the variable was exported because I could see from the ccp4.setup file that it was and should propagate to child processes. I could attribute such peculiarity only to some sort of change in the behavior of exec to suppress environment variables. But from the discussion, I now know the problem was downstream of exec at the level of Tcl.

You have probably seen by now that I reinstalled ccp4 in the double- click-no-think way and everything magically started working. So my best guess is that something went awry during the initial installation. I'm still puzzled, but have resisted the urge to try to reproduce the error.

I am also unclear what the connection to injection attacks is?

Here is the vulnerability: CCP4I prompts the user to run as root on the first go. CCP4I also execs $CCP4I_TCLTK. If I can somehow redefine $CCP4I_TCLTK in a user's environment perhaps by modifying their .login, .bashrc, .tcshrc, etc., close to the bottom, then, when they finally get around to installing CCP4I, I might get control of their machine. This scenario may sound paranoid, but it is precisely why Apple decided to change the behavior of sudo to not inherit the environment of the user. So I'm not the only one with a wild imagination.


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