Hi Manoj,

Following on from Poul's reply, and maybe whilst you are waiting to
get derivatives  ;)  you could try something like the following for
getting around the model-bias-after-borderline-MR-issue.

1) generate a prime-&-switch'd map from resolve.
2) use this map to prune your model (be quite brutal here).
3) Re-refine, using refmac and, in parallel, a simulated annealing
refinement protocol (CNS/Phenix).
4) Stick your pruned models and all these maps into coot and see what
you can build back.

I've found that schemes/strategies based around this can break the
back of refinement after borderline MR.



2009/8/11 ManojSaxena <mks...@rediffmail.com>:
> Hi all,
> I am working with a protein that have 28% similar to my MR template.
> I have processed data in HKL2000 for one of my crystal and I got unique sol
> in space group
> P212121. with LLG 131 and TFZ score 13.5
> I have used buccaneer and coot for model building and my Rfee came to 45%.
> I used the PDB file from this crystal ( Rfee of 45%) as my MR model for data
> obtained from
> another crystal and got sol with TFZ score=40.5 and LLG=2305.
> I used coot and did a round of refmac refinement now my Rfee is 41%.
> My concern is
> a) wether my scheme is good or not because I am afraid that this will
> increase the model
> bias.
> b)Now I am stuck at 41% Rfee I have many chain breaks and loop regions have
> not good
> density. I tried TLS refinement it did not help. what else I shall try??
> Thanks
> Manoj
> Biochemistry

David C. Briggs PhD
Father & Crystallographer
Skype: DocDCB

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