Hi Fengxiale,

Have you tried no cryoprotection?  10% PEG4K is probably too low but you may 
get lucky.  Since your crystal is already in PEG, you may try increasing the 
concentration of the PEG or try just plain ethylene glycol, which may be more 
gentle on your crystal than sticking it in glycerol.  You say you started with 
25% glycerol and slowly decreased to 12.5%.  Are you doing this by dialysis or 
by just sequentially transferring your crystal from one solution to the next?  
Dialysis is much more gentle and you should be going the other direction - i.e. 
from low conc. of cryoprotectant to high conc (not high to low like you did).  
How long are you soaking your crystal in the cryoprotectant solution?  Do 
crystals crack immediately or does it take some time?  Oftentimes just a quick 
dip is sufficient.  How well does your crystal diffract at room temperature?  
Perhaps 3.2 A is the limit even in the absence of freezing.

Good luck,

Eric Larson, PhD
MSGPP Consortium
Department of Biochemistry
Box 357742
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

On Tue, 1 Sep 2009, Fengxia Liu wrote:

Dear All,
Could you please help me solve this problem?
I have a sensitive crystal, the mother liquor is 10% PEG4k+ 100 mM
Tris-buffer pH 8.5, crystal is big and good but very sensitive, when i put
it in cryoprotectants, cracking happened. First i used artificial mother
liquor + 25% v/v glycerol, slowly decrease to + 12.5% v/v glycerol, all
crystals cracked after immersed, finally i tried 50% mineral oil + 50%
paratone, it still cracked (4- 5 cracks, but not broken) . even this cracked
crystal can give me 3.2 angstrom diffraction, so no cracked crystal might
give me 2.0+ angstrom diffraction. Now i don't have many crystals to try so
many cryoprotectants, so anybody has experience on this? any suggestion
would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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