Hi Eleanor,

Are you sure about the application of twinning tests to look for 
lattice-translocation defects?  In twins the intensities sum, but in 
lattice translocation cases, the domains can be so small that you can't 
simply sum intensities . . . at least that's how I interpret 
See the summary on slide 41 in particular.


Hmm - that is hard.. pseudo translation is relatively harmless - you have 2 or 
more molecules in the same orientation but in different positions in the unit 
cell, and the structure factors they generate will have some different 
properties.  For instance the 0k0 in your case will always have k=2n+1 weak 
because the translation is xt, 0.5,zt ( you can 
work that out from a SF equation if you like!)   And since the xt = 
0.02, ie is rather small, and zt = 0, at low resolution all the hkl with
k=2n+1 will be weak.
hklview data.mtz and look at h0l then next level , next level etc and you 
should see this effect..
The only problem it gives in is determining the spacegroup. But phaser will 
usually sort that out as long as you let it test all SGs .

Lattice translation is effectively one form of twinning, you can visualise it 
as a set of crystals where that lattice are aligned in 2 dimensions but there 
is slippage along the third. So each "reflection" 
is in fact the sum of two or more intensities and the twinning analyses should 
be valid. But as well you have the problem that some classes of reflections are 
very weak, in the same way as a pseudo translation affects the data.
And the twinning tests via moments, H test and Britten test are all distorted 
by the weak/strong pattern so really the only effective test is the L test, and 
that too can be badly distorted by anisotropy and other defects.

Apparently it is often possible to recognise a lattice defect by looking at the 
images, if you are good at that. Some classes of reflections will be very 
streaky ( where there is an overlap between the different crystal fragments) 
and others sharp. But once the data is integrated that information is lost.

Does that help?

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