You need to give a bit more detail..
Here is a plan for MR but you may not have followed it.. there are many ways to kill a pig! 1) get sequence alignment between model and your sequence in astandard format. 2) run chainsaw to edit the model to renumber and rename to your sequence, truncate residues - eg TYR to PHE - the OH would be deleted and other atoms kept but relabelled as "PHE", etc
3) use the output  model as input to phaser.
4) select a good solution ands run 20 cycles of restrained refinement (you dont need to do rigid body - phaser does that itself..)
5) look at the map and hope to start rebuilding.

6) you could use an automated building procedure - Arp/wARP for higher resolution, buccanneer autobuild at lower resolutions..


AntonioLeung wrote:
hi all,

I have a question, what is the input PDB file in Refmac? Is it edited from 
model building from initial map generated by Phaser(in MR)? What can I do if 
the initial map is hard to build in?


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