Hi Mohinder,

                 Are you having problems because the CCP4I_TCLTK
environment variable is not set correctly? From the shell, you can
~$ echo  $CCP4I_TCLTK

...so you should have a tclsh binary there:

Otherwise, check the troubleshooting page for more information....

I hope that helps.

For the easiest route, I find installing CCP4 from Fink is best (
http://www.finkproject.org/ ).

Issue "fink install ccp4" at the terminal, since it installs
everything and also updates to the latest version, although you may
need your compilers installed from the Xcode package.

P.S. You may have other tclsh binaries around on the Mac from Fink, or MacPorts.
( /sw/bin/tclsh8.4 & /usr/local/bin/tclsh8.5 respectively, so beware).

2009/9/16 Mohinder Pal <m...@soton.ac.uk>
> Dear ccp4bb,
> I have just installed ccp4 6.1.2 with ccp4i 1.4.2 on a MacBook Pro running 
> OSX 10.5.8.
> When I try to run Refmac5 (or phaser) I get the status "starting" in the GUI 
> but the program
> fails to run and no log file is generated. I source:
> /usr/local/ccp4-6.1.2/bin/ccp4.setup-sh
> before running the GUI, and the programs are definitely present and run in 
> the ccp4 bin
> directory.
> Does anyone know what could be going wrong?
> Thanks,
> Mohinder

Mark Brooks, IBBMC, UMR8619 - Bâtiment 430,
Université de Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay, France.
Tel: (33) 169157968
Fax: (33) 169853715
Skype: markabrooks

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