Dear Ccp4 Users,

I have refined a 2.3 A structure with Refmac in space group I4(1)22. Lately I had to switch from refmac version 5.2.0019 running on a Linux computer to refmac version 6.0.2 on a Windows Vista system. Refmac works fine but I’m a little concerned about the fact that R/Rfree/FOM became really worse from 19.5/25.7/80.0 (older version) to 21.5/27.3/77.1 (newer version) just by changing the refmac version. Also the correlation coefficients became worse. The overall temperature factor was significantly lower. I observed this also with another newer version on a Linux system. I strictly used the same protocol with TLS & restrained refinement using Babinet scaling without changing anything in the structure. Are there other restraints for bonds etc. in the different versions leading to such differences? I would like to know what is going on.
I would appreciate your help or any hints!

Thank you in advance,

Gesa Volkers

Institut für Biochemie, Molekulare Strukturbiologie

Felix-Hausdorff-Straße 4

17489 Greifswald

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