On Fri, Nov 13, 2009 at 01:26:27PM -0600, Kevin Anderson wrote:
> While we're on the subject, I notice that imosflm has a convenient
> environment variable for specifying the location of wish.  Is there a
> similar means of specifying the location of bltwish for ccp4, or am I
> obliged to dump it in /usr/bin ?

It's in the ccp4.setup environment file:

# CCP4I_TCLTK - directory containing tclsh,wish and bltwish executables
#               as used in $CCP4I_TOP/bin/ccp4i,ccp4ish,loggraph
#               For 'standard' installations this is /usr/local/bin
#               but note the SGI distributed version of Tcl/Tk is not 
#               appropriate version


| Ben Eisenbraun                              | Software Sysadmin      |
| Structural Biology Grid                     | http://sbgrid.org      |
| Harvard Medical School                      | http://hms.harvard.edu |

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