
Great video-- thanks for sharing it with us. Could someone (preferably with a personal connection to the French owners) please ask if the English version can be posted on Google Video or Youtube? I'd like to distribute the link, but the file is too large for casual downloading and viewing.

Nasos Dousis

Vellieux Frederic wrote:
Dear all,

Thought I'd share this with you:

I located this through Ms Ines Kahlaoui, from the Beja Higher Institute of Biotechnology in Tunisia (Ines has to teach and locates videos on the internet, which she then downloads and uses for teaching). Ines located this jewel:

This is the French version (explains everything about Structural Molecular Biology, but for the maths :-( , but also shows what we crystallographers have known for a long time, since the first colour E&S graphics workstations in fact, that the electron are blue :-) ).

Both French and English versions can be downloaded from

No rights associated with the movie, and the Strasbourg group intends to release a higher quality version on DVD soon. Please contact them about that... I am only sharing what I thought was good for educational purposes. 18 minutes of your life, but worth it I think. So feel free to share this.

Wish you all a nice day,


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