Jim's point is well taken and can perhaps be generalised to say one is
limited either by the crystal or by the set up for recording the
diffraction. To optimise things it is useful to know where the limits

With some tightly focused synchrotron beams you can also see your spots
getting larger as you increase the detector distance because the focused
beam can have a high divergence. By having a low divergence, one can
gain on spot to background ratio by moving the detector further away. To
fully exploit this, a larger detector (more angular resolution elements)
is needed. The gain of having a lower divergence beam and larger
detector will continue until dominated by the divergence introduced by
the crystal (James Holton has probably covered this somewhere in his
emails - I only read the bit about the beer!).

One could however go further as the divergence due to the crystal will
not be smooth but will contain some structure describing the crystal
disorder (e.g. domain structure). By matching the beam divergence and
detector angular resolution to this structure one should be able to
record this and get a still better ratio of spot intensity to

The limit is to illuminate the crystal with a coherent beam and record
the scattering with an angular resolution appropriate to the whole
crystal. One would then reconstruct the crystal from the oversampled
scattering and average the unit cell contents in real space. It would
allow one to properly handle disorder and "background" from the crystal.

Most people would say that this last suggestion is way in the future and
perhaps not worth doing. However, it is being investigated by those
interested in looking at sub micron (nano) crystals with coherent x-ray


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of
Jim Pflugrath
Sent: 24 November 2009 15:25
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] decrease of background with distance?

The source for the X-ray background are points along the air path
post-collimator including the sample with loop and cryoprotecdant (or
capillary and mother liquor).  So the 1/r^2 falloff is noticable going
from 100 mm to 200 mm.  The same counts in a 2x2 pixel area is now seen
in a 4x4 pixel area.

The source for Bragg reflections at a synchtrotron is upstream a couple
dozen meters.  The divergence is not large as well, so the spread in the
spots (for a source ~30 meters upstream) goes from 1/(30.1 * 30.1)^2 to
1/(30.2 * 30.2)^2 which is really not that noticable.

In contrast, a modern home lab system with Osmic multilayer optics, the
source is much closer to the sample and the divergence is larger.  For
folks with home lab systems, you can see your spots getting larger as
you increase your distance.  The total background under the (sum of all)
pixels of the Bragg reflections does not change that much with changing
distance.  It's just that everything (spot & background) are spread out
over more pixels.
Thus moving the detector backwards will not do the same thing that it
does for you at a beamline.  Folks with such home lab systems can do the
experiment to see this for themselves.

So when your synchtrotron buddies talk about all this, be sure to buy
them beers to help with their thinking. :)


-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board [mailto:ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of
James Holton
Sent: Tuesday, November 24, 2009 1:46 AM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] decrease of background with distance?

Spots don't fall off with the inverse square law.  It is a very easy
experiment to do.  Just take exposures at several distances and scale
the data together, noting the correction for air absorption. 

A good reference for the underlying theory is Chapter 6 of M. M. 
Woolfson's book (1997).  But briefly: Diffuse scattering falls off with
the inverse square law as one would naturally expect from anything that
spreads out in all directions.  Spots, however, are "reflections" and
their source point is the source of the incident beam, which is usually
far away or at worst comparable to the sample-to-detector distance.

For those who do not like my "long posts" I now direct you to the
button which should have come with your email client.  Everyone else,
read on.


It is an interesting point, however, that simultaneously increasing the
detector distance and increasing the photon energy to keep the
resolution at the edge of the detector constant has absolutely NO effect
on the photons/spot from Bragg vs diffuse scattering.  It took me a
while to become convinced of this, and I still owe Colin Nave a few
beers as a result.
Nevertheless, the experimental evidence was given by Gonzalez, Denny &
Nave in 1994.


-James Holton
MAD Scientist

Richard Gillilan wrote:
> It seems to be widely known and observed that diffuse background 
> scattering decreases more rapidly with increasing detector-to-sample 
> distance than Bragg reflections. For example, Jim Pflugrath, in his
> 1999 paper (Acta Cryst 1999 D55 1718-1725) says "Since the X-ray 
> background falls off as the square of the distance, the expectation is

> that a larger crystal-to-detector distance is better for reduction of 
> the x-ray background. ..."
> Does anyone know of a more rigorous discussion of why background 
> scatter fades while Bragg reflections remain collimated with distance?
> Richard Gillilan

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