We are pleased to announce the release of TARDIS v2 at http://tardis.edu.au
TARDIS v2 provides a central, searchable index for federated raw crystallography data. If you are interested in the safe storage and simple annotation of your diffraction data (eg as soon as it comes off the detector), have a look at http://tardis.edu.au/deposit/ Improvements over TARDIS v1: - Data is no longer stored in a Fedora Digital Repository. Instead, data needs to be simply placed with a descriptor file on any web server and then registered on the TARDIS site - Data is no longer compressed and archived, so no pre and post processing of data needed - The lack of archiving of data results in users being able to download individual files within data sets instead of having to download an entire set - Entire datasets can easily be downloaded through an FTP interface, either through the provided java applet, or using their preferred FTP program - Metadata is now stored at all levels, experiment, dataset and now individual data file level. This ensures that the full descriptive metadata is preserved. Ancillary data (eg refinement log files etc) can also be deposited. - Persistent handles generated automatically for citation in papers (password protected for pre-release data) - The TARDIS data organisation tool has now been released. "TARDIS Data Packager" allows anyone to point to their datasets, provide some basic information about them and automatically have their data organised into a format suitable for digital curation (see http://tardis.edu.au/deposit/). Once data is organised, it simply requires basic web hosting and then registration on TARDIS.edu.au - resulting in pages such as this: http://tardis.edu.au/experiment/view/8/ - Diffraction image metadata is automatically extracted from the files (.osc, .img, .mccd and others..) for display and search through the web site. The roadmap for current development can be found at http://tardis.edu.au/about/. Feedback and suggestions for improvement are very welcome! Cheers Ashley Associate Professor Ashley M Buckle NHMRC Senior Research Fellow The Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine Monash University, Clayton, Vic 3800 Australia http://www.med.monash.edu.au/biochem/staff/abuckle.html iChat/AIM: blindcaptaincat skype: ashley.buckle Tel: (613) 9902 9313 (office) Fax : (613) 9905 4699 mobile: 0430 913031