Dear all,
there is a postdoctoral position available at the EMBL Hamburg Unit:

The Meijers group at the EMBL Unit in Hamburg, Germany is looking for an outstanding post-doctoral scientist to work on structural aspects of the assembly and organization of the immunological synapse. We use a range of methodologies including cell biology, protein biochemistry, protein engineering, X-ray crystallography and bioinformatics to study the weak and specific interactions within the immunological synapse. The laboratory has access to state of the art protein production and characterization facilities. It will form an integral part of the new PETRA3 facility which is a new source of highly brilliant synchrotron radiation. Further information on the research performed in the lab can be found at:

The ideal candidate should have a PhD in biochemistry or cell biology and extensive experience in protein expression and purification. Previous experience in protein structure determination would be an advantage. The candidate should have a willingness to develop new techniques in protein engineering that will open new avenues to study the dynamics and signaling of cell surface receptors.

An initial contract of 2 years will be offered to the successful candidate. This can be renewed depending on the circumstances at the time of review.

Closing date:  31st of January 2010

The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits appropriate to an international research organisation.

To apply please email a detailed CV, a statement of research interests and names (incl. e-mail address) of three potential referees by email quoting ref. no. W/09/PD/0103 in the subject line, to:

General enquiries may be sent to

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