Postdoctoral Program at MAX-lab

The MAX-laboratory is a Swedish National Laboratory in Lund, Sweden. It 
presently consists of three electron storage rings. It provides photons from IR 
up to the hard X-ray regime and serves 800 scientists a year. MAX-lab is in the 
process of constructing a new facility, MAX IV, in the Brunnshög area of Lund. 
The new facility will consist of an ultra-low emittance 530 m circumference 3 
GeV storage ring, a 90 m circumference 1.5 GeV storage ring, a 300 m long 
linear accelerator and a short pulse facility.

In the perspective of the ongoing research activities and the planning for the 
MAX IV facility, MAX-lab will now accelerate the Postdoctoral program and 
solicits applications for such positions. PostDoc positions have a maximum 
duration of 2 year. The economic level is 21 290 Sek per month (tax free). 
Eligible for PostDoc positions are scientists with a doctors degree awarded not 
more than 5 years before the application date.

PostDoc projects can be proposed in the entire spectrum of activities at the 
laboratory including research in the soft or hard energy regime, accelerator 
physics, instrumentation, nuclear physics, and scientific computing. The 
application should include a CV and suggestions of a research program and an 
area of interest and experience.

Further information
Please contact Ralf Nyholm,

The closing date for applications is February 1, 2010.
Send your application, marked ?PostDoc application?, to:
Lund University
PO Box 118
SE-221 00 Lund

  Marjolein Thunnissen                             Phone +46-(0)46-22 24584  
  Associate Professor                              Fax   +46-(0)46-22 24692     
  Dept of Molecular Biophysics, Lund University       
  PO-Box 124 S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
  Scientific coordinator I911 (Max-lab): MAD and fixed-wavelength stations      
          for macromolecular crystallography                              

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