you can use the nice tool dssp2pdb by James Stroud (http://structure.usc.edu/dssp2pdb) to assign the ss of the DSSP output to your pdb file. See instructions there.

I am sorry for this off-topic question. I see it has been discussed many times, but somehow I got stuck in the very beginning.

I want to assign ss to my pdb file in DSSP, but I could not find a server to run it. Does anybody know a webserver where I could run this kind of tasks? I use iMAC.

Many thanks!



Priv.Doz.Dr. Guenter Fritz
Fachbereich Biologie
Sektion Naturwissenschaften
Universitaet Konstanz

Universitaetsstrasse 10
Postfach M665
D-78457 Konstanz

e-mail: guenter.fr...@uni-konstanz.de

Phone Office: +49-(0)7531 88 3205 Phone Lab : +49-(0)7531 88 3733
Fax:  +49-(0)7531 88 2966

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