John Badger wrote:

Diffuse scatter patterns were compared to simulations of correlated motions that were long-range (say, the size of the whole molecule) ...

This is exactly not the point I was trying to make. Anything confined to a single unit cell is not what I would call "long range". As far as I can tell, the only way for motions to introduce "extra" Bragg intensity is for them to be "synchronized" across many unit cells. If all cells are completely unsynchronized, then the occupancy-weighted average electron density map of all the conformers will fully explain the background-subtracted spot intensities, but if there is cell-to-cell synchronization: it won't! The magnitude of the "unexplainable" intensity change should be roughly proportional to the fraction of the atoms that are "synchronously disordered", whether it be a TLS domain, a two-headed side chain or what have you. It is not about whether all the atoms in a TLS domain move together (they do), it is about whether a given TLS domain in one cell is "in sync" with the same TLS domain in the unit cell next door.

That's at least what I was trying to point out.  I could be wrong.

I think what I am calling "synchronization" is called "order-disorder" in some texts. I will need to read up on this and all the other excellent reviews being posted in this thread. But, I don't think phenomena like this has been investigated thoroughly for proteins because only recently has enough computing power to do that become available.

From this perspective it is quite surprising that crystallographers are so keen on using TLS models for fitting displacement amplitudes.
Crystallographers have a very good reason for using TLS models: it makes their R factors lower. ;)
-James Holton
MAD Scientist

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