Could this be a long-standing bug in the ccp4i Refmac GUI? Some time ago, I sent a bug report to the ccp4 developers: if you did TLS refinement, you got an additional tab where you should set the B-factor to a uniform value. In the next round of refinement, where you read in the refined TLS parameters from the previous run, this tab vanished, but the B-factor was nevertheless still set to the same uniform value, which resulted in high starting R-factors for the first cycle!

I haven't tested this recently, but if you display the actual Refmac command script from the GUI, it should be obvious whether this bug is still there or not.

Best regards,


Am 25.02.10 17:54, schrieb Jan Schoepe:
What I tried for instance was in refmac:
1.) 20 cycles TLS followed by 10 cycles restrained refinement which gave Rwork=24%/Rfree=33%. Afterwards I did 0-1 cycles restrained refinement with output from prev. run (pdb file, mtz file, tls file) as input for that. Result: 33%/44%. 2.) I omitted the restrained refinement, else same as above. Result was 26%/32% after TLS and 31%/38% after restrained refinement...

--- /<>/ schrieb am *Do, 25.2.2010:

    Von: <>
    Betreff: RE: [ccp4bb] about comparing Rwork and Rfree factors of
    different refinement trials
    Datum: Donnerstag, 25. Februar, 2010 17:12 Uhr

    * *
    *You can fix the TLS parameters as well. *
    *Zero cycles of Refmac and fixed TLS*
    *Will this work in your case?*
    * *
    * *
    * *

    *Gabriel Birrane**
    Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
    99 Brookline Ave
    Boston, MA 02215 *

    * *
    **From:* Jan Schoepe []
    *Sent:* Thursday, February 25, 2010 11:06 AM
    *To:* Birrane,Gabriel (Bidmc-Research Fellow)
    *Subject:* RE: [ccp4bb] about comparing Rwork and Rfree factors of
    different refinement trials

    In principle yes, but I doubt that this works properly, especially
    after TLS refinement.

    --- /<>/
    schrieb am *Do, 25.2.2010:

        Von: <>
        Betreff: RE: [ccp4bb] about comparing Rwork and Rfree factors
        of different refinement trials
        Datum: Donnerstag, 25. Februar, 2010 16:04 Uhr


        You can do zero cycles of refinement in Refmac. This will just
        give you the statistics as Refmac calculates them without
        any refinement. Is this what you are looking for?

        From: CCP4 bulletin board [] On Behalf Of
        Jan Schoepe []
        Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:38 AM
        Subject: [ccp4bb] about comparing Rwork and Rfree factors of
        different refinement trials

        Dear all,

        I do have a question about comparing Rfree and Rwork factors
        of different refinement trials whereas I always started with
        the same pdb file and structure factors (phasing by MR).
        Means I had a protein structure which was (not just by me)
        refined several times in different ways also with different
        programs and also accordingly got different R factors for each
        finally refined structure.
        Could anyone suggest if there is something like a "standard
        run" which makes all these R factors (or "derivatives" since
        this run should change the R factors) better comparable?
        (E.g. it did not work for me to do a 1 cycle rigid body
        refinement in refmac hoping that the R factors are measured
        well and the structure does not change much. In fact, the R
        factors increased dramatically, lets say Rfree from 30% to 40%.)

        Many thanks for your suggestions!

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