

The Bio-SAXS beamline at ID14-3 at the ESRF ( http://www.esrf.fr/UsersAndScience/Experiments/MX/About_our_beamlines/ID14-3 ) has now been in operation for over a year.

Robotic sample loading is available on the beamline using a device constructed in a collaboration between the EMBL (Grenoble and Hamburg outstations) and the ESRF. Automated data analysis is also implemented following the model of the SAXS facility at X-33, EMBL Hamburg (processing and preliminary analysis).

The end-station can rapidly provide Users with standard data concerning the size (radius of gyration, maximum dimension and volume) and molecular weight of samples and allow on-the fly / /ab-inito// shape reconstruction in order to provide feedback enabling the data collection strategies to be optimized. Access to this Bio-SAXS facility for SANS users (small angle neutron scattering at the Institute Laue- Langevin) just after their neutron experiment is possible if required. The procedure is to first apply for the SANS experiment, specifying that access to ESRF beamtime is also requested. The ILL will then indicate if an ESRF rolling proposal is to be completed. First Users using both facilities are expected this summer. The complementary information provided by neutron scattering (i.e. contrast variation) and X-ray scattering can be obtained in a single visit to the Grenoble site.

Application for beam-time on ID14-3 can be made via the rolling access mechanism at ANY time. Those who wish to apply should use the mechanism at:


where it must be clearly indicated in the title of the proposal that the application is for Bio-SAXS beamtime on ID14-3. Please note that BAG members should also continue to apply using the rolling mechanism. However, in the next proposal round (September 2010) BAGs will also be able to apply through the BAG system.


Dr David FLOT
Beam-Line Operation Manager             Tel : (+33) 4 76 88 17 63
Structural Biology Group                Fax : (+33) 4 76 88 26 24
B.P. 220, 6 rue Jules Horowitz          e-mail : david.f...@esrf.fr
F-38043 GRENOBLE CEDEX                  http://www.esrf.eu

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