Post-doc position in structural biology at the School of Biological
Sciences, University of Liverpool, UK

An enthusiastic and dedicated individual is sought for a 2 year
BBSRC-funded project that will explore the potential of ab initio
protein models for X-ray crystal structure solution by Molecular
Replacement. Recent high-profile advances in ab initio modeling have
generally employed large scale computing resources. Nevertheless, we
have shown (Rigden et al. (2008), Acta Cryst. D64, 1288) that
appropriate processing and combination into ensembles of main-chain only
models, generated on PCs, can produce search models that successfully
solve structures. This project will test automated procedures for
generating ranked search models from the results of ab initio modeling,
principally by locally installed ROSETTA. The method will also be
extended to the use of ab initio models for individual domains in
multi-domain proteins. The resulting processes will be incorporated into
the MR pipeline MrBUMP for eventual distribution as part of the CCP4
crystallography software package.

You should have a PhD in Bioinformatics or a relevant discipline;
experience of protein structure modeling and/or protein crystallography
is highly desirable. In-depth knowledge of an appropriate scripting
language eg Python and the ability to deal with large amounts of data
are essential. You will generate protein models for a series of chosen
test cases, cluster and process them, then systematically analyse the
success of MR using PHASER or other software. You will participate in
manuscript preparation.

Full details and instructions on how to apply are here

Informal enquiries may be made to me.

Dr Daniel John Rigden                 Tel:(+44) 151 795 4467
School of Biological Sciences         FAX:(+44) 151 795 4406
Room 101, Biosciences Building
University of Liverpool     
Crown St.,
Liverpool L69 7ZB, U.K.

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