Dear all,

we recently purchased a couple of Zalman monitors. While on machines with an
NVIDIA Quadro FX580 (Debian Stable), installation was simply plug-and-play, one
machine with a NVIDIA Quadro FX1700 (Debian Testing) the sense of rotation by
dragging the mouse is inverted: while moving the mouse down, the front face of
molecular and map seem to move up.

The effect is inverted and corrected by flipping the glasses, i.e. by using the
left-eye glass on the right eye and vice versa.

The effect is also corrected by dragging the window to its maximum size instead
of using the maximising button. And according to the user it is even
structure-dependent, i.e., with some PDB-/ MTZ-files it works correctly, with
others it works invertedly.

Some wikis on the web describe the solution by moving the window by a pixel. Is
there by now a way to automatically invert the polarisation state so that one
can use the maximised window?


Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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