Hi All,

My question is concerning geometry of NAGs in a glycoprotein structure. 

I recently solved the structure of a glycoprotein to 3 Å and modeled NAGs 
linked to Asn at 3 different places.  NAGs and Asn-NAG links are refined in 
Phenix.refine as per the Phenix dictionary. 

However, when submitting the structure to the PDB, internal validation of PDB 
found that NAGs at 2 places have geometry problems (atoms surrounding the C1 of 
NAG are in the same plane). What I learned from Phenix bulletin board is that 
the refinement program is probably fixing the NAG into a local minimal 
structure to fit to the density the best (I have OK density for sugars) and 
that's causing the problem.

So, I tried to fix the geometry of NAG while refining, so that the refinement 
does not change the geometry of the sugar. But, still the internal validation 
of PDB found the same problem with the sugars.

Then, I tried replacing the NAGs with ideal monomers from Coot. Still, the 
problem persisted. PDB annotator's suggestion is to get the NAG coordinates 
from HIC-Up and try refinement in another program.

I am wondering if any one else noticed (or had ) a similar problem with NAG 
geometry  using either Phenix.refine or Coot. What baffles me  is that the 
ideal NAG from coot dictionary did not pass the internal validation of the PDB.

I would appreciate if any one has any suggestion (other than trying a different 
refinement program) to get around this problem. Is there a way to compare the 
NAGs in your structure to the ideal and get to know what to fix ?

Thanks in advance



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