From: CCP4 bulletin board [ccp...@jiscmail.ac.uk] On Behalf Of CCP4BB automatic 
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Sent: Sunday, May 16, 2010 7:00 PM
Subject: CCP4BB Digest - 15 May 2010 to 16 May 2010 (#2010-132)

There are 2 messages totaling 291 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Translational pseudosymmetry? (2)


Date:    Sat, 15 May 2010 23:53:43 -0400
From:    Owen Pornillos <o...@scripps.edu>
Subject: Translational pseudosymmetry?

Dear ccp4bb –

I have questions with regards to crystal disorder that gives rise to
translational pseudosymmetry.

We have a rotationally hexameric protein that crystallized in P3, with
one hexamer in the asu.  The local 6-fold axis of the hexamer is non-
crystallographic, and is essentially parallel to the crystallographic
3-fold, which gave rise to translational pseudosymmetry.  Intensities
for the (h,h+/-3n,l) reflections were on average about 8 times
stronger than the weak reflections, and the native patterson gave an
off-origin peak about 70-80% of origin (depending on the crystal) at
fractional coordinates (2/3,1/3,0).  We are hypothesizing that the
break in local 6-fold symmetry is caused by small rigid-body
displacements of each subunit (as opposed to conformational changes in
the protein), and we are trying to estimate the magnitude of the
displacements in the crystal.

To do this, a perfectly symmetric hexamer with the local 6-fold axis
parallel to the crystallographic 3-fold was generated, and then shifts
were introduced to the atomic coordinates.  The direction of the shift
was chosen randomly for each atom, and a single magnitude applied to
all atoms, which was then changed incrementally.  Structure factors
were calculated from these models, and their pattersons were
examined.  The magnitude of the off-origin peak could be reproduced
with an atomic shift of say, 1 Å.  Because all of these calculations
were made with synthetic structure factors, this is not necessarily a
reliable estimate.  The questions are, how far off are we, and in what
direction (i.e., are these shifts underestimates or overestimates)?
Is there a way to obtain a reliable estimate?

Thanks in advance,



Date:    Sun, 16 May 2010 14:35:35 -0400
From:    Jürgen Bosch <jubo...@jhsph.edu>
Subject: Re: Translational pseudosymmetry?

Hi Owen,

you should also make the following plot with your data:
y-axis relative intensity of off-origin peak versus x-axis resolution cutoff 
used for calculation (30 Å - 4 Å in 2 Å steps).

You can have multiple cases of shifts and I would start with a perfect hexamer 
first, take some random monomer and apply a perfect sixfold, move it along the 
axis where it should be in your crystal lattice (things get more complicated if 
you have a top/down hexamer, so keep it simple). Now if you shift your hexamer 
to 2/3,1/3,0 your plot should yield a straight line and be independent of 
resolution. Now start rotating the second hexamer relative to the first 
clockwise with your sixfold, I would use increments of 3 degrees, which will 
result in 19 models, then recalculate the off-origin peak heights and see if 
they match up with your data. I should note  here, if your real data does not 
show a strong drop in peak height of the off-origin peak, then you most likely 
don't have a slight rotational translation in your second hexamer.

One other important thing you should look at is the relative orientation of 
your sixfold axis, is it truly perfectly aligned with one of the cell axis ? If 
not fix this in your model, otherwise your calculations will be of academic 
nature. For this particular case the use of GLRF is more helpful than MOLREP 
(sorry Garib, but maybe Garib can come up with a solution to zoom into certain 
peaks like you can do in GLRF).

When the tilt is fixed you should be able to figure out the rotational 
translation in your second hexamer.

Enjoy your puzzle,


P.S. P3 is certain ? Check with pointless or by human brain visual inspection 

On May 15, 2010, at 11:53 PM, Owen Pornillos wrote:

> Dear ccp4bb –
> I have questions with regards to crystal disorder that gives rise to
> translational pseudosymmetry.
> We have a rotationally hexameric protein that crystallized in P3, with
> one hexamer in the asu.  The local 6-fold axis of the hexamer is non-
> crystallographic, and is essentially parallel to the crystallographic
> 3-fold, which gave rise to translational pseudosymmetry.  Intensities
> for the (h,h+/-3n,l) reflections were on average about 8 times
> stronger than the weak reflections, and the native patterson gave an
> off-origin peak about 70-80% of origin (depending on the crystal) at
> fractional coordinates (2/3,1/3,0).  We are hypothesizing that the
> break in local 6-fold symmetry is caused by small rigid-body
> displacements of each subunit (as opposed to conformational changes in
> the protein), and we are trying to estimate the magnitude of the
> displacements in the crystal.
> To do this, a perfectly symmetric hexamer with the local 6-fold axis
> parallel to the crystallographic 3-fold was generated, and then shifts
> were introduced to the atomic coordinates.  The direction of the shift
> was chosen randomly for each atom, and a single magnitude applied to
> all atoms, which was then changed incrementally.  Structure factors
> were calculated from these models, and their pattersons were
> examined.  The magnitude of the off-origin peak could be reproduced
> with an atomic shift of say, 1 Å.  Because all of these calculations
> were made with synthetic structure factors, this is not necessarily a
> reliable estimate.  The questions are, how far off are we, and in what
> direction (i.e., are these shifts underestimates or overestimates)?
> Is there a way to obtain a reliable estimate?
> Thanks in advance,
> Owen

Jürgen Bosch
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Johns Hopkins Malaria Research Institute
615 North Wolfe Street, W8708
Baltimore, MD 21205
Phone: +1-410-614-4742
Lab:      +1-410-614-4894
Fax:      +1-410-955-3655


End of CCP4BB Digest - 15 May 2010 to 16 May 2010 (#2010-132)

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