Hi All,
Thanks to all that replied for the advice, suggestions etc. about my antibody.  
I will definitely try the suggestions.


From: Sheemei Lok [mailto:sheeme...@yahoo.com.sg] 
Sent: Monday, May 17, 2010 9:56 PM
To: Harman, Christine
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] Antibody digest with Ficin

    I included 1mM DTT in the buffer and it got rid of the non-specific 
disulphide bridges.



From: "Harman, Christine" <christine.har...@fda.hhs.gov>
Sent: Monday, 17 May 2010 15:37:54
Subject: [ccp4bb] Antibody digest with Ficin

Hi All, 
I figured there are plenty of Fab/peptide structures out there that I may find 
a crystallographer/antibody expert out there who can give me some advice.  I am 
interested in obtaining a mFab/peptide complex structure.  I have reached the 
stage where I have successfully produced Fab from mouse IgG1 using immobilized 
ficin (Kit from Pierce).  After ficin digest I purify the Fab with protein A 
column ( included in  kit from Pierce) and it appears relatively pure with 
minor contamination of F(ab')2 and possibly some minor amount of fragmented Fc. 
 I planned on doing IEC or SEC but FPLC was down and couldn't proceed to next 
step immediately.  I concentrated/buffer exchanged my Fab fraction in PBS and 
stored at 4ÂșC over the weekend.  The problem arose when I ran a gel I noticed 
that my Fab fraction which previously (sampled before diafiltration) ran ~50kDa 
band was now running as small smear around 100kDa.  I have a suspicion that the 
concentrating and resuspending (for buffer exchange) may have some role and 
what might have happened could be related to possibly non-specific disulfide 
formation; however, was hoping someone may have some ideas or may have 
experienced this before.  Given my antibody subtype being G1, I used ficin as 
opposed to papain and my experience is limited in knowing the types of 
fragments that are generated with ficin.  Pierce claims their ficin kit 
produces Fab and F(ab')2; however, I was wondering if ficin may also produce 
Fab' given that at different concentrations of cysteine either Fab or F(ab')2 
can be generated.  Any thoughts, comments or ideas would be much appreciated.   

Much Thanks, 

Christine Harman 

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