Dear Paul,

     Thank you for initiating this thread, for so carefully evaluating the
suggestions you received, and for reporting the outcome.

     Your astonishment gives renewed motivation to people who believe it is
still worthwhile continuing to push the frontiers of experimental phasing
and all it entails.

     It would be nice to hear from you again once you have solved your
structure, to find out how you eventually did it.

     With best wishes,

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 04:24:07PM +0200, Paul Lindblom wrote:
> The last molrep job just finished and it found only an odd solution. So I
> think I will try to get my phases elsewhere. But I am somewhat astonished
> that there are still enough cases you can't solve by MR.
> Thanks to all who replied. Here is a list of servers/programs to find a MR
> model:
> XtalPred
> Balbes  
> use the OCA browser for FASTA searches of the PDB
> Modeller or Rosetta (both also available as web servers)
> ensemble of many proteins with Phaser
> FFAS server maintained by the Godzik lab
> generate some models using the "Phyre" server   (
> <>)  and feed the best .pdbs into
> Mr Bump.


     *                                                             *
     * Gerard Bricogne             *
     *                                                             *
     * Global Phasing Ltd.                                         *
     * Sheraton House, Castle Park         Tel: +44-(0)1223-353033 *
     * Cambridge CB3 0AX, UK               Fax: +44-(0)1223-366889 *
     *                                                             *

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