Dear all,

We have tested the Charge Flipping algorithm with SUPERFLIP program
on various experimental data (anomalous delta-F's, MAD FA's).

& Dumas, van der Lee, Acta Cryst D64, 864-73
In all successfull trials, a good quality substructure is obtained.
As outlined below, the main requirements are good completion and high
quality experimental data!
This is a relatively new approach and there's still room for

> Francis E Reyes wrote:
> Orthorhombic C2221 using SUPERFLIP heavy atoms are found, ...
> but the SG is wrong.

Yes, this is the most probable diagnostic hypothesis. It looks like
you have missed a space group. This ambiguity can arise with twinning, NCS
in special position,... I had a similar case for Se substrcture
solution using SUPERFLIP with data indexed as C2221, where P21 lattice
approximates C2221.

SUPERFLIP ( can try to derive the symmetry
operations of the P1 charge flipping density, independently of the symmetry
entered in the input file (see Palatinus, J; applied cryst, 41,975-84)

Restart a new job using the keyword  derivesymmetry:
the list of symmetry operations, centering vectors will be
displayed (with agreement factors) in the .sflog file

-'derivesymmetry no'
the output density is in P1, no shifting or averaging
-'derivesymmetry use'
shifting and averaging the output density.

If you send me the inputs and sflog files I will have a closer look.

Christian Dumas,
Centre de Biochimie Structurale,
34090 Montpellier Cedex, France
Tel: +33-(0)467.417.705

George M. Sheldrick wrote:
> I have also played with charge flipping and my experience was the same as
> Kevin's. Michael Woolfson once said that all 'direct' methods work fine
> perfect data. The method requires expansion of the data to P1 which seems
> to degrade the quality of the solution; when the data are noisy, as is
> usually the case with real anomalous differences, the space group can be a
> useful constraint, as is the number of sites expected. If necessary one
> can easily run the usual programs in all potential space groups. For the
> solution of small molecule structures using atomic resolution (say 0.9A)
> native data, the data are much less borderline and charge flipping in P1
> is a good way to explore phase space.

> Another reason why charge flipping may not work so well with real
> anomalous differences is that the data tend to be rather incomplete,
> for example all the centric reflections are missing. This degrades
> the quality of the resulting maps, which is more serious if you are
> modifying low densities than when you are just searching for peaks.


Prof. George M. Sheldrick FRS
Dept. Structural Chemistry,
University of Goettingen,
Tammannstr. 4,
D37077 Goettingen, Germany
Tel. +49-551-39-3021 or -3068
Fax. +49-551-39-22582

Kewin Cowtan wrote:
> I played with this (coded from scratch, both simple algorithm and a few
> tweaks) for a couple of weeks for solving heavy atom substructures. With
> perfect FAs it works well and quickly. With real delta-F's it didn't
> work at all. Can't remember if I tried perfect delta-F's.

> Probably SUPERFLIP is better than my quick implementation though.

Francis E Reyes wrote:
> Hi all
> I've been playing around with charge flipping for macromolecular
> substructure determination with pretty promising results. I'm
> particularly attracted to the fact that it solves structures in P1,
> with no space group assumptions and curious how it would handle some
> of the pseudosymmetry cases I've come into in my time.
>   I'd like to know if anyone's had experience with this method, and
> open up the discussion with the following questions:
> As the algorithm starts with completely random phases and charge
> flips  the map in P1, what is the importance of measuring (good or
> any) anomalous signal at all (for the sole purpose of finding the
> heavy atoms)? At first pass  it would seem that just as long as you
> have an incorporated heavy atom and the density of that region is
> greater than delta, that this alone would be sufficient for locating
> the position of the heavy atom.  In other words just as long as your
> heavy atom is sufficiently higher in contrast than your protein/rna it
> would be a good enough criteria.
> In the above regime, would the importance of measuring anomalous data
> be more important for substructure refinement (via phaser, mlphare,
> sharp, solve/resolve)?
> Now to a more specific question for those who've had experience (or
> maybe the authors are subscribed here):
> Orthorhombic C2221 using SUPERFLIP heavy atoms are found with great
> peakiness (before noise suppression: peakiness = 5, after noise
> suppression peakiness >25, good separation of heavy atom peaks from
> noise peaks in resulting pdb). Yet the space group check via the sym
> operators is rather poor (overall agreement  close to 100).  My
> interpretation is that the heavy atoms are found, but the space group
> is wrong?
> Thanks!
> ---------------------------------------------
> Francis Reyes M.Sc.
> 215 UCB
> University of Colorado at Boulder

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