On Mon, Jun 14, 2010 at 1:57 PM, Zhou, Tongqing (NIH/VRC) [E] <
tz...@mail.nih.gov> wrote:

>  I have some problem in refining a structure. The data goes to 2.4A (with
> some 30% completeness at 2.15A), the structure was solved by MR with Phaser,
> refinement was done with Phenix, but the r and r-free are now staying at 26%
> and 32%, even with all possible waters and missing fragments added. Data was
> collected at APS at cryo condition. One thing I noticed during HKL2000 data
> processing was that the chi^2 were way too high at lower resolutions shells,
>  I had to adjust the default error model in HKL2000 to get the chi^2 to
> around 1, but this adjustment reduced the overall I/sigI ratio a lot (from
> around 20 to 5).
Obvious questions would be:

- twinning?
- pseudosymmetry?
- did you try refining TLS?

Not sure about the data processing - how high is "way too high"?  I would
definitely recommend double-checking the images to make sure the original
indexing was correct, e.g. by running labelit.index on them; leaving out
spots can definitely result in unreasonably high R-factors without
noticeably affecting map quality.


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