There are probably multiple ways to do this. sftools makes this very easy. From the command line type

read input.mtz
calc col 6 = 0.9
write output.mtz

Just change the file names, column number and the fixed value to whatever you need.


On 10-06-21 03:23 PM, Hailiang Zhang wrote:
Hi there:

Is there any easy to convert a colume in mtz file (say fom) into a fixed
value? I tried to convert to ascii first, but mtz2various only takes 1
single FP colume (unfortunately I have 2). Thanks!




Bart Hazes (Associate Professor)
Dept. of Medical Microbiology&  Immunology
University of Alberta
1-15 Medical Sciences Building
Edmonton, Alberta
Canada, T6G 2H7
phone:  1-780-492-0042
fax:    1-780-492-7521


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