Hello Hailiang,

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 10:01:04PM -0400, Hailiang Zhang wrote:
> Hi there:
> I downloaded the binary files of UPPSALA-mapman and they run smoothly
> under linux. However, when I write it into a shell script and run under
> PBS queue, it cannot be excuated. A simple test turned out to be:
> (1)
> *******
> [Linux] ./lx_mapman  ----->works
> (2)
> *******
> [Linux]source ${ABSDIR}/lx_mapman ----->-bash:ELF: command not found
I do not know the PBS syntax, but this line cannot work: the bash command
'source' instructs bash to read in the content of the next argument and execute
it as though it were a shell-script. That's the reason for the error message:
The first word in a linux-binary is 'ELF' and that's not a bash command
(luckily, who knows what might have happened if the rest of the binary had been
interpreted by bash).

Try replacing 'source' with 'exec'. If PBS forces you to have the 'source'
keyword there (which I would find odd) create a wrapper script 'mapman.sh' into
which you write 'exec ${ABSDIR}/lx_mapman $*'.


> It seems that only (2) can be directly implemented under PBS environment.
> I am wondering whether there is a way to circumstance this problem.
> Best Regards, Hailiang

Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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