Sorry for the clutter:  This is of course for the Aug/Sept cycle.


2010/7/12 Peter Zwart <>

> Dear All,
> July 15, 2010 is the deadline for the March/April 2010 Rapid
> Access Proposal cycle.
> All Berkeley Center for Structural Biology(BCSB) beamlines are equipped
> with ADSC Q315/Q315R detectors, automated sample changers and data
> collection software enabling high-throughput crystal screening and data
> collection.
> Remote data collection is available on all BCSB beamlines, providing
> the user with the full complement of sample visualization, sample
> manipulation, beamline control, data acquisition and data analysis tools
> exactly as they would see them if they were stationed at the beamline. The
> main difference between local operation and remote operation, is the length
> of the network cable!  This enhanced remote operation capability is coupled
> with 22hr onsite support by BCSB staff who are able to assist immediately
> with loading additional samples for remote users or troubleshoot any issues
> that might arise. Remote users can furthermore be kept up-to-date on
> changes in ring status via an SMS service (
> or via twitter (@AlsRingStatus).
> Specific features are summarized below.
> Beamlines 5.0.1, 5.0.2, 5.0.3:
> --------------------------------------
> Beamline 5.0.2 is equipped with a novel variable collimator allowing users
> to adjust the beamsize continuously and on the fly between 25 and 100
> micron, both horizontally and vertically. With a collimator setting of 30x30
> micron, typical exposures are around 1 to 2 second.
> The Berkeley Automounter sample handling system has a routine capacity of
> 96 samples (6 pucks). In a typical high-throughput screening mode, the
> mount-to-mount time is around 2.5 minutes per sample, allowing users to
> screen a full puck within 45 minutes.
> The sector 5 beamline user stations are equipped with
> fully high-adjustable, ergonomically friendly work stations.
> Beamlines 8.2.1 and 8.2.2:
> -----------------------------------
> To facilitate studies on small crystals, a microdiffractometer
> was installed in the beamline 8.2.1 endstation. The new equipment
> allows precise sample positioning to within 2 microns, excellent
> sample viewing of very small crystals, and an off-axis crystal
> positioningstage.
> Both beamlines 8.2.1 and 8.2.2 feature a Rigaku sample changer
> (Actor), allowing remote operations to now be a routine mode of access
> for these beamlines.
> Data analyses in the BCSB is facilitated by software maintained by sbgrid (
>  A 16 core linux machine is available for our
> users to process their data and solve/refine their structure.
> An additional mode of access to the BCSB beamlines is through
> the Collaborative Crystallography (CC) Program. Users apply for beamtime via
> the general user program, and collaborate with an expert crystallographer
> who will conduct the experiments and data reduction on behalf of the
> researchers. Depending on the users, structure solution, model building and
> refinement can be carried out as well.  Please contact
> for more information.
> Please visit for more details about the Center and
> its beamlines.
> To find out more, click on:
> We invite you to submit a proposal at:
> Scroll down to "Structural Biology beamines (includes protein SAXS)."
> Click on "New Proposal."
> If you have any questions or would like to request open beamtime,
> please e-mail
> Please note that executed user agreements must be received by LBNL
> prior to beamtime. Proprietary fees, if applicable, must be received
> by LBNL at least five working days prior to scheduled beamtime.
> --
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> P.H. Zwart
> Research Scientist
> Berkeley Center for Structural Biology
> Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
> 1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA-94703, USA
> Cell: 510 289 9246
> -----------------------------------------------------------------

P.H. Zwart
Research Scientist
Berkeley Center for Structural Biology
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratories
1 Cyclotron Road, Berkeley, CA-94703, USA
Cell: 510 289 9246

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