Dear Fatima,

I have used Buster to refine alternate occupanies at 1.2 A or 1.4 A
resolution, and it greatly improved the electron density as well as the
output statistics.



Dr Marie-Hélène LeDu
Laboratoire de Biologie Structurale et Radiobiologie
bat 144, CE Saclay
91191 Gif-sur-Yvette
email :
tel:01 69 08 71 35

Le 21/07/10 09:53, « Fatima Fonseca » <> a écrit :

> Dear Chris and Leo,
> Thank you for your suggestions.
> I am refining the 1.08 A structure in SHELXL and I have Hs added; I think
> refinement is at a final stage. I did start with the 50%, 25+25% occupancy but
> then I changed to 0.33 each ... I need to refine this further.
> For the 1.35A data, model is complete (except for some C- and N-terminal
> residues) and I've refined alternative conformations too. The crystallization
> condition is Sodium acetate and PEG3350 with ethylene glycol as cryo. I have
> some molecules of cryo and Na in the model. I¹ll try other cat/anions and
> refine.
> Best,
> Fátima

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