News just received from the French Crystallographic Association (and thus forwarded to ccp4bb):

The fifth Max Perutz Prize of the European Crystallographic Association goes to to Professor Claude Lecomte from Nancy Université and CNRS, France.

Claude Lecomte is recognised for his contributions to the measurement and analysis of high resolution X-ray crystallographic charge densities and the insight it has provided.

He is acknowledged for pioneering work on high-resolution analyses and charge density modelling of polypeptide and other macromolecular structures based on the analysis of multiple electron density determinations using non-spherical scattering factors.

He applied this formalism to hydrogen bonding, porphyrins and metastable states of light-induced spin-transition complexes and to the evaluation of the electrostatic potential from diffraction data on the above and on zeolites, zeolite-like materials and proteins.

Prof Lecomte will present an acceptance Lecture at the Opening Ceremony of ECM26 in Darmstadt.

My congratulations to him.


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