> WRT the redundancy, I am afraid you have to recompute an approximate value 
> yourself using the number of observations and number of unique reflections 
> (this is what I do all the time). I suppose one could always write a jiffy 
> program to compute the correct values using both files  INTEGRATE.HKL and 
> XDS_ASCII.HKL, but I haven't done it myself... Yet ?

No need to do that - you can use the xdspub command within XDSi:


which gives this kind of output:

 Final data processing statistics
  SPACE_GROUP_NUMBER=  197                                                      
  UNIT_CELL_CONSTANTS=    78.09    78.09    78.09  90.000  90.000  90.000       
  INPUT_FILE= ./XDS_ASCII.HKL XDS_ASCII                                         
 Unique reflections   11084.
 High res. shell 1.65-1.50
          Redundancy  4.3(  1.9)
              R(sym)  3.1( 53.1)
             R(meas)  3.5( 70.7)
          R(mergd-F)  7.8(106.0)
              I/s(I) 25.1(  1.5)
        completeness 86.2( 57.3)

Best, Luca

Luca Jovine, Ph.D.
Group Leader & EMBO Young Investigator
Karolinska Institutet
Department of Biosciences and Nutrition & Center for Biosciences
Hälsovägen 7, SE-141 57 Huddinge, Sweden
Voice: +46.(0)8.6083-301  FAX: +46.(0)8.6081-501
E-mail: luca.jov...@ki.se
W3: http://jovinelab.org

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